
Not All Black People Can Sing (part 1)

I love singing the Happy Birthday song. When I am at a restaurant, I take pleasure in belting it out in my loudest, most obnoxious, deaf tone “singing” voice. I find it entertaining- my husband PRETENDS he hates it.
One year at a Christmas party for work (for political correctness, it was called a Holiday party) we went to the Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse- you know, the one where they cut off your tie -if you’re dumb enough to wear one- no matter how expensive it is? It was a great night because that night there was at least two tables where people were celebrating birthdays.
So the staff brought out the cake aglow with candles. They began to sing: “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear___! Happy B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y T-O Y-O-O-O-U-U-U!!!”
So I began “singing” with them. My coworkers were looking at me strangely but laughing just the same. I’m sure they were hoping that I wasn’t singing in my best voice. Wes, my husband, tried to cover my mouth to keep the wretched sounds from escaping… to no avail. When we were done, everyone applauded (in hindsight I realize that they were probably just glad the wailing had ended).
When we were almost ready to head out for the night, I noticed the wait staff again walking towards me with a cake and candles. I wonder whose birthday it is? I soon realized they were coming up to me. My coworkers and husband told the wait staff that it was my birthday so they could “serenade” me with the birthday song as I had done to them all night. Long story short, it was very funny and we still laugh about it to this day.
…to be continued.
Stay tuned for next time for another singing story.

1 comment:

  1. Oscar Wilde, in his critic as artist essay, mentioned that music holds a monopoly above all other art for it's ability to control our emotions with such ease (I’m paraphrasing). Which is why I think it's fantastic that you enjoy it so much, it is a great example of how much we love music even, if as you say, one gives an "obnoxious, deaf tone" performance.
    I bet you are a great karaoke partner, lol. Despite, of what they may say your friends and husband probably enjoy it, as well. Not because of its artistic merits, but rather for its comical ones. To quote another author “against the power of laughter no man can stand.” Mark Twain, I believe. No wonder they are your friends, you make them laugh. And even better than that, as you enjoy singing, you enjoy making them laugh, which makes you a kick-ass friend as well.
