

Okay, so I have to get off topic for just a minute. Why is it that women, no matter the size, feel the need to wear short shorts and skirts as soon as the temperature begins to creep up? I’m not just talking about us bigger girls either.

Today, while I was out with my husband I witnessed two atrocities: the first one was a bigger girl with booty shorts on (and yes, I saw her booty). The other was a skinny girl with short shorts on but this girl had more cellulite than the bigger girl! All I could ask is, “Why?”

Obviously these females were proud of what they have- or what they think they have. But what about the rest of us who have no desire to see all of that? Are they really that selfish?

I have a rule that I don’t even wear shorts because of a strange “creeper” phenomenon: they creep up into the crotch further and further with each step the perpetrator takes. So, I decided that since I can’t wear them the right way, I just won’t wear them at all. I don’t know a better way to address this issue. I am concerned for these women who have no sense of modesty or decency to know that some stuff should be covered when you walk out the house.

My grandma gave me a good piece of advice to tell the kids at school: When you walk out the house, make sure that you’ve covered the three Bs- your Boobs, your Butt and your Belly! And if it doesn’t bother you, at least think about the rest of us!!!


  1. While I do agree with your opinion of what constitutes, “well fitting” shorts, I am also of the opinion that people should just wear whatever the eff they feel best in. Whether that is teeeeeeny shorts, long pants, a dress, a bikini, a fur covered skirt with color matching, shiny fabric top or nothing at all. In other words, who am I to say what people can and cannot wear? The problem I have is this, if we get to tell people of certain shapes, cellulite levels, sizes, etc what styles of clothing they are allowed to wear, does that mean they get to tell us what WE’RE allowed to wear? I wouldn’t like to think this is an option. Now I know there are certain “decency” laws in our society but honestly, sometimes I take issue with those as well. If someone is comfortable enough in their own skin to wear something we might never be caught dead in, let them have it! They just want to feel good like the rest of us and we always have the choice to look the other way. Though, sometimes I chose to look dead on a smile, “You go you…wearing that takes some serious chutzpah and I for one, respect anyone who can feel good doing what others would not have the balls to.” For me, it’s a simple case of having respect for each individual and their unique shape. Why must we conform ourselves to some sort of “ideal” or “norm”? I think this is something that has gone on long enough. We could all stand to dress a bit more fun and free, I say. It would add a bit more joy to the day :)

  2. I can see where you're coming from. Maybe that's why I used to like the T.V. show called "What Not to Wear." The hosts of the show made (almost all) of their "fashion disasters" happy campers when they realized what they should and shouldn't wear for their specific body style and personality.

    But I also think that just because a person does- or doesn't- "have it" they don't have to show it to all of us.

    Thanks for giving me a glimpse into the other side of the "argument."

  3. Hahaha this post is so funny!! I totally agree with what you’re saying although I just believe in wearing whatever looks good on your body and whatever makes you feel good. Although it’s hard for me to see some chick walking around UA with a less than flattering outfit, if it makes her feel good then so be it. I know that I couldn’t live through Tucson’s summer without short-shorts (although I try to at least balance them out with a baggier top). I live in Coronado, a UA dorm that has been dubbed the “8 Floors of Whores” or “Score-onado” due to the way that many of the girls dress for their nights out. I have seen some outfits I didn’t know existed (I’m talking leopard-print halter mini-dress, that was totally open in the back AND showed the girls stomach). There are ways to balance an outfit so that short-shorts or cleavage barring tops are OK but seriously some girls need to get in touch with their sense of modesty lol. Also, I love What Not To Wear.

  4. Gotta love it, Liv! I guess that's why you have the fashion blog...

    I guess I just had to get it out of my system-- hence the tag: rant.
